List of Tamil words in Guajarati language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Guajarati language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language native to the Indian state of Gujarat and spoken predominantly by the Gujarati people. Gujarati is part of the greater Indo-European language family. Gujarati is descended from Old Gujarati (c. 1100–1500 CE). In India, it is the official language in the state of Gujarat, as well as an official language in the union territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu. As of 2011, Gujarati is the 6th most widely spoken language in India by number of native speakers, spoken by 55.5 million speakers which amounts to about 4.5% of the total Indian population. It is the 26th most widely spoken language in the world by number of native speakers as of 2007.
The Gujarati language is more than 1000 years old and is spoken by more than 55 million people worldwide. Outside of Gujarat, Gujarati is spoken in many other parts of South Asia by Gujarati migrants, especially in Mumbai and Pakistan (mainly in Karachi). Gujarati is also widely spoken in many countries outside South Asia by the Gujarati diaspora. In North America, Gujarati is one of the fastest growing and most widely spoken Indian languages in the United States and Canada. In Europe, Gujaratis form the second largest of the British South Asian speech communities, and Gujarati is the fourth most commonly spoken language in the UK's capital London. Gujarati is also spoken in Southeast Africa, particularly in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, and South Africa. Elsewhere, Gujarati is spoken to a lesser extent in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, and Middle Eastern countries such as Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates

Clues to read Gujarati words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Gujarati word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref; Gujarati- English learner’s Dictionary by Babu Suthar
English- Gujarati- Tamil
*1.gulf/bay – akhete- kudaa get angry- ak da vu – kopam adaiyavum ; kaduppu .
3.uncountable- / innumerable- agenit- kaniththida mudiyaathu ; kaniththida- to count; mudiyaathu- can not
* stop -atekavu – thadukkavum
5.very closely- ado ad- aduthtu aduththu ; letters are read more than once ; thottu aduththu . touch- ad vu- thoada vaenum touch- adek vu- thoduka
* collide- ath davu – idiththidavum
9.artha- wealth –thiru; letters are in reversed order. come- av vu- vaa vaa
11.eye- akh- kann
12.production- ut pet ti- padaiththidu /produce; letters are jumbled.
*13.camel- ut- ottai
*14.cardamum- el ci –yaelachchi ; yaelam .
*15.difficult-kathen –kadinam
*16.bitter- kedvu – keiththidavae
17.ear ring- kedi – kaathu thodu ; kaathu- ear; thoadu- stud; kadukkan / stud for male.
*18.armlet- kedu –kadakam ; kadayam.
*19.story- ketha- kathai
20.story teller- ketha kaar – kathai kathaikkiravar ; kathi- story; kathaikka- tell.
*21.unmarried girl- kanja – kanni
* kela- kalai
23.artist-kela kar-kalai kaarar
*24.blemish- klenk –kalankkam
25.necklace- kenthi- kandikai
26.throat- kenthi – kandam ; odunkkiya/ narrow is the root word.
*27.sexual desire- kam - kaamam / heat
* kam –kammiyam
*29.scissors- kater –kaththari ; root word is kaathuthar .
*30.prison- ked- kottadi
*31.prisoner- kedi- kaithi
* jump- kud vu- kuthiththidavum
* engrave- koter vu – koththuthar vaenum
*34.strongly built- khed tal –kattu udal; udal- body.
*35.danger- khet ro- keduthar
*36.a cot- khat lo- kattil
37.a pit- khado –kundu
*38.empty- khali – kaali
*39.angle- khuno –koanam
* show- khel- kaelal
*41.wrong- khotu –keduthi ; kaedu .
*42.defect- khod- kaedu; kuththam.
43.digging- khdoan- kenduka; lettrs are jumbled. korak –korikka/ to eat
*45.lump- geththo -katti
46.blows by hands- gad da patu – kai kuththu poadu ; kai- hand; kuththu- punch; poadu- make.
*47.punch- gad do – kai kuththu ; kai- arm/ hand; kuththu- punch.
*48.a fort- gedh-koattai
49.speed- geti- kada kada ena ; kadi; kathi ; kudu kudu ena .
*50.mathematics- genit- kaniththidu
*51.calculation- genetri – kaniththar -gedhi vi ; kudi ; kudi vai / to build a house.
53.hard work- gad me thel – kadumaiya uzhaiththal; letters are jumbled; kadumai- severe; uzhaiththal- to work.
*54.street- geli- akalul
55.strangling- gelatu po –kazhuththai pidi ; kazhuthu- neck; pidi- to hold.
*56.knot-ghat- kattu git –kathai paattu ; kathai- story; paattu- song.
* sing- gavu – akavu
*59.mad- gadu – koatti
60.solid lump- gag do – ketti katti ; ketti- hard; katti- lump ; letters re jumbled.
61.village- gam- kaam; kuppam ; kaamam .
*62.cow herd- go val – koa valan
*63.round- gol – koalam
*64.globe- golo- koalam
*65.subgroup of caste- gol- kulam
*66.pill- goli- kulikai
*67.dense formation of trees- gheta- kaadu / forest
*68.pot- gedo-kudam
69.home- gher- koorai akam ; akam- house/ home; koorai akam- hut.
*70.shape- ghat-koadu
*71.wound- gha- kaayam
*72.a sheep- ghetu- kedaa
73.a puzzle- ghuti- vidu kathai ; ka= va; va= ka. ghodo- koadai
*75.increase- cedti- saeththidu
76.shorts- ceddi- siththaadai ; jatti sift- cal vu – sali ; salikkavum .
*78.dung of cow/ buffalo- chan- saani/ saenam
*79.a drop- chato- sottu
* expression showing hatred- chi – chi chi
*81.cut- ched- cheththu
82.a person- jan –aan /man ja min - munn
*84.wealth- jer- seer
*85.little- jera- siriya
86.saddle- jin- saenam
*87.small/ in size- jhinu-sinna
88.shaved off head- teko- mottai adikka ; mudi edukka ; mudi- hair; edukka- to remove; mottai- tonsure.
89.baldness- tal- thaliyil mudi illai ;thalai- head; mudi-hair; illai- nil .
* hang- tangvu-thonkavum
*91.cheat- theg- yaeiththiduka
*92.deceitful- thegaru- yaemaaththukira
93.stump of a tree- thuthu –thandu; thadi .
*94.suitable- thik- oththathaaka
95.light kick- thef- uthai poadu; letters are jumbled; uthai- kick; uthaippu .
* hammer- thok vu – adikkavum
97.a sting- denkha- theenduka
98.small stick used to place a dance- da di jo- sinna thadi ;sinna- small ;thadi- stick ; letters are jumbled.
99.small thin stick- dandi –dandam swing- dol vu- aaduthal
101.drum- dhol- adiththal/ beating; thaalam /beat
*102.glitter- tek tek vu- thaka thaka vena
*103.a crack- ted-oaatai; udaiththida .
104.fresh- taju- puthusu taro- thee uru;thee- fire; uru- form .
*106.a clapping- tali- thattuthal
* break- tod vu- udaiththidavum
108.stammering- tot du-naa thattida ; naa- tongue; thattida- stammer .
109.weight- tol- edai iduthal/ to weigh; edai- weight.
*110.the trunk of a tree- thed- thadi
* tremble with fear – thedek vu -thudikka; thudikkavum
112.stammering- thedek vu – naa thaadukkidavum ; naa= tongue; thadukkida- stammer.
*113.the hip- thap- iduppu
*114.a light blow- tha pet –thappidu
*115.fatigue- thake –thookkam; thakaivu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*116.a hole- der- thirappu
*117.tailor- der ji – theiyar
118.ten- def- paththu; letters are in reversed order.
*119.sea- de ri jo –thirai
* de lala- idai aal/ middle man; idai- middle; aal- person
* grind- del vu – idiththal
*122.thick – de dar- thadiththar / to become thick
123.punishment- dende- thandanai
124.burning- dagh- the iduka/ to make fire; the- fire; iduka/ make.
*125.beard- da dhi – thaadi
*126.grain- dano – thinai/ millet/ grain
127.grandmother- da di- - aaththaa; paatti .
*128.grandfather- da do- thaaththaa dukan – ankkaadi ; letters are in reversed order.
*130.far away- dur-ettaththir -devta-the vaeithidu/ set fire; thee- fire; veeiththidu/ make. de vel- theiva illam ;theivam- god; illam- house.
133.goddess- devi –theiva thaai/ mother goddess; theivam- god; thaai- mother.
*134.running - dod – oaadia
*135.mistake/ fault- dof- thappu
*136.a push- dhekko –idikka
*137.throbbing of the heart- dhe dek- thudikka
* offer- dher vu – tharavum
*139.grandeur- dham dhum –daam dhoom
*140.dwelling place- dham- idam
141.lower garment of Hindu males- dhoti- uduththu /to wear
* wash /clean- dho vu- thuvai
*143.nail- nakh- nakam
144.profit- napho- payan ; letters are in reversed order.
145.male- ner- oru aan ; oru / one; aan man.
146.male dancer- ner tak –aatta-k-kaaran ; aattam- dance; kaaran- one who dances; letters are jumbled; kooththu kattukiravan ; kooththu- play .
147.female dancer- ner taki – aadukira kanikai ;aadu -to dance; kanikai- female dancer.
*148.drama- nataka- natakam
*149.a tube- neli- nalaa
*150.small- nanu – nunniya/ nano
* na ren gi – naarankkaaai
*152.woman- nari – naari
*153.small boat- nav – naavaai
*154.rivulet- nalu- nalaa
155.gripping/ holding- pe ked- idiththiduka ; letters are jumbled; kettiyaa pidi .
* wash- pe khal vu – kazhuvu
*157.quickly- pet pet- pat pat nnu
*158.a strip- petti – pattai
159.head man of a village- patel ; thalai/ head; patti thalai ; patti- village.
*160.belt- pet to –iduppu pattai ; iduppu- hip; pattai- belt/ strip .
161.layer- ped- yaedu
*162.decaying- pad du –pattida ; pattu poaeida ; letters are read more than once.
163.small piece of paper- petekdu –podi kaakitham ; podi- small; kaakitham- paper.
*164.rank- ped- padi
165.bed - pethari – paduththar / to lie
166.pamphlet- petrika – padiththarkkaana yaedu /a note for reading ; padi- read; yaedu- paper.
167.a letter- petra- padiththar / reading; puttru ; thiru yaedu .
* cause to work hard- pe dav vu -paadu padavum
*169.a test- pe rek – paarkka
170.another’s village -par gam – pirar kam/ kuppam ; pirar- others; kam- village; kuppam/ village ; letter ‘p’ is read more than once.
*171.great grandfather- per dado – periya thaaththa ; periya- great; thaaththa- grandfather.
*172.others misery- per duk - pirar thukkam
*173.foreign country- pre def-pura thinai
174.highest- pa rem –perum uyaram ; uyaram- height ; perum- big; param .
*175.traditional- pe re mpera get- perum maarpu konda ; perum- big/ great; maarpu- generation; konda- has.
*176.others- pe raju – pirar
177.others- parku - pirarkku /for others
*178.fairy- peri – paei uru ; uru- form .
*179.human body – pende- pandam
180.scholar- pan dit- padiththan; letters are jumbled.
*181.bribe- pa ghe dii- kai uoottu ; kai- hand; uoottu- give/ feed.
*182.bile- pitte – piththam
*183.reading- path - padi
184.a kick- pat –uthai poadu; letters are jumbled; uthai- kick.
* lesson- pat- paadam
186.calf of buffalo- pado -poaththu/ male buffalo
* peti – petti
*188.stomach- pet- poththu
189.bundle of grass- pulo – pul/ grass
*190.holl0w- po kel – kuzhiya / hollow
*191.loud cry- po kar- karaiya /cry
*192.gate/street- pol- puzhai / gate
193.deluge- pre laj- peru uoozhi ;peru- big; uoozhi -deluge.
*194.famous- pre sidhdhe- perum uchcham thotta ; perum- big/ great; uchcham- top; thoyya /reached.
* spread- pre ser vu – parava
196.eulogy- prefesti – paaraatti paadu ; letters are jumbled. paaraattu- appreciate; paadu- sing.
*197.province- prant- periya naadu ; periya- big; naadu- state.
* prem – eeram onlooker- prek fek- paarkka / to look; paarkkiravar / onlooker; ka= va; va= ka.
*200. sudden terror- phedko- peethi adaika/ to get fear; peethi- fear; adaika- to have.
*201.fruit- phel- pazham
202.fruitful- phel da jek- pazhuththiduka /to become fruit.
* bear fruit- phel vu- pazham vai
*204.eunuch- phat do- pottai
* be torn- phat vu – peiththidavum
206.a butter fly- phu du- pattam poochchi
* phed vu- paaththidavum
*208.armpit- begel – akkul; kai kuzhi; kai- arm; kuzhi- pit. be spoiled- be ged vu – kaedu adaiyavum ;kaedu- damage; adaiya- to become.
*210.boasting- bedai- peeththu
*211.benefit/ profit- berket – perukida
*212.outside- behar –puram
*213.father- bap- appa
* wrap- bad vu – pothi idavum
215.a kind of cigar- bidi- uoothu / to blow.
216.daughter- beti- peththa pottai ; peththa- beget; pottai-= female.
217.son- beto – peththa aan ; aan- male.
* eat recklessly- ba ched vu – pusiththidavum / eat
219.share- bhag- pankku /share; paku- to share.
220.partner/ business- bha gi dar-pankku udaiyaar / thaarar ; pankku- share; udaiyaar- those who has.
221.India- bha ret- periya thinai ; peru naadu ; periya- big; naadu- state; thinai- region.
* shut up/ fasten- bhid vu – pootavum
* pierce- bhed vu- poththu vidu
*224.maize- mekai- makka cholam
*225.a wink- metku- imaiththiduka/ to wink
*226.kind of pulse- meth –muththu
*227.intellect- meti – mathi
*228.gem- meni - mani
*229.deadlock- meda ghat- muttu kattai
*230.night- rat – erutta/ to get dark
* chew- mem lav vu – mellavum ; letters are jumbled.
* die- mer vu – maraivu / disappear
233.woman- mekila- penn makal
*234.mother- ma- amma
*235.mother- mata- maa thaai / great mother.
*236.mother’s brother- mama –maama
*237.figure of zero- mid du- muttai/ egg
*238.fist- muth thi- mutti
* meget- makudam
*240.sage- muni- muni
*241.root/ origin- mul- mulai; moolam .
*242.upper storey -medi- maadi
*243.a pearl- moti- muththu
*244.elder- motu- mooththa/ eldely
245.chariot- rath- thaer; letters are in reversed order.
247.thick stick- lathi –neela thadi ; nela- long; thadi- stick.
248.folktale- lok ketha- ina kuzhu kathai; letters are jumbled; kathai- story .
249.folk song- lok git – ina kuzhu kathai paattu ; letters are jumbled; ina kuzhu- folk; kathai- story ;paattu- song. vekro- virkka; letters are jumbled.
*251.slaughter- vedh- vathai ;vettu .
*252.twisted/ bent- velvu – valaivu
*253.reader- vacek- vaaskan ; vaasikka/ to read.
*254.a cut- vadh - vettu
*255.inheritor- vares—urivoar; urimai uriyaor ; urimai- rights.
256.step well- vav-nadai vaavi
*257.smell- vas- vasanai
*258.path- path- paathai
*259.brave- vir- veeru bore/ pierce- vidh vu –oaattai idavum ; oaattai- hole ;
*261.speed- veg- vaekam
*262.pain- vedna- vaedanai
* vero- vari
*264.creeper- velo- valli
265.enemy- fetru- ethiri
266.hardness- sekhtai –kadinam
*267.sadly- sekhed- soakththoadu
* rot- sedo –uoosida
*269.flat- sa pet- pattai; sappattai .
270.surface- tel- thalam
* slip – se rek vu- sarukkavum
272.saint- sent- aandi
273.agreed- semmet –manam oththida; manam- mind; oththida-accept.
*274.shout- sad- oaasai idu; oaasai – sound; idu- make.
*275.musical tune- sur – seer/ poetry metre
* so gat- kodai
*277.praise- stuti-thuthi
278.immovable- sthir –asaiyaathiru / do not move.
*279.claim- hek –kaekka
*280.a plough- hel- uzhu
281.injury- kfeti- kaayam pada/ to get injured; kaayam- injury.